Monday, April 20, 2009

Awareness Months are Dumb.

The proliferation of awareness months have largely rendered them pointless.

For example, apparently April is Alcohol Awareness Month. April is also STD Awareness Month, as well as the National Poetry Month, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Stress Awareness Month, Community Service Month, Pets Are Wonderful Month, American Cancer Society Month, National Garden Month, Mathematics Month, National Soyfoods Month, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month, Fresh Florida Tomato Month, National Food Month, National Pecan Month, National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and finally the National Financial Literacy Month.

If you made it to the end of that rambling long meaningless list, congratulations, you are one of the few people who can be properly influenced by these "heightened awareness" programs that are supposed to positively affect your behavior or educate you on a particular topic.

If you do a little digging - you'll find many Congressional awareness months are basically pieces of legislation inserted by members of Congress trying to appeal to a certain demographic/interest group. The interest group then turns around and tells its sponsors that it successfully increased issue awareness by getting the awareness month (and asks for more money). The cycle continues and will continue until we have so many awareness months that no one will take them seriously anymore (if anyone ever did).

Do a Google search on any awareness month you can imagine, and it probably exists.

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