Friday, January 1, 2010

Alas 2009 has come and gone!

This year has been a year of much transition and change. Both personally and for the country. The economic recession has been tough on everybody, and the political change hasn't really met the expectations of critics and politicos.

But that is generally depressing, so I'll focus on personal transition/change instead.

Fill out the application for taking the bar exam? Check.

Study for the last finals? Check.

Write a seminar paper to satisfy the graduation requirement? Check.

Graduating? Check.

Study and take the bar exam? Check.

Pass the bar exam? Check.

Get sworn into practice in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania? Check.

On as an aside, I started a temporary job reviewing documents. It is fairly similar to the previous one based in West Virginia, but pays a little better and is in Pittsburgh! Unfortunately its temporary nature means I'll need to continue the job search. C'est la vie.
Oh! And I also got an iPhone 3GS.

Who knows what sort of change/transition we'll see in the next year!? Come what may! WHOOO!


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