Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Birther in Chief - Orly Taitz.

The birther movement is a strange one. Basically... it is a group of conspiracy theorists who believe that President Obama is not eligible to be POTUS because he does not satisfy the Article II, Section 5 requirements, which requires the President to be a natural born citizen.

One of the folks that has been getting a lot press time is Orly Taitz... who is sort of crazy. Basically she's a realtor, dental hygienist, and "lawyer" who has been filing silly lawsuits all over the place trying to challenge Obama's qualification to be POTUS. Each and every time she files a complaint about the issue, it is dismissed because she doesn't have standing.

She's also been filing lawsuits outside of jurisdictions where she is admitted to practice. Apparently, Orly didn't go to an ABA accredited law school, so... despite being admitted to the bar in California, can't really practice law anywhere but California.

For a glimpse of how crazy she is...

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